
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

wanna know me?? read this..

this is a psychology test i took on facebook.. 98% of it is true amazing!!!..haha

  • Mysterious... oftentimes, a loner

  • You know your true friends and only them are allowed to understand the real you.
  • You’re usually expressive..Open about your emotions and most of the time willing to talk about it.

  • You search for love... you’re a hopeless romantic and every time you enter a relationship, you give your all and believe “this is the One.”
i dont search for love, love search me... haha..

the SWEEEEETNESS of chuck bass ( Ed westwick)

sejak cuti ni.. i realized that writting a blog best gak untuk mengisi lapang..hehe
so i am soooo addicted kat cite GOSSIP GIRL x.o.x.o ni.. sume tahu kot..
skrang ni da season finale of season 3..

 dalam2 banyak character dalam cite ni.. I had a big crush on chuck bass.. walaupun dia  x hensem kalau nak dibanding ngan si Nate Archibald.. tp Chuck has he's own charm that's what i like.. : ) + he is damn sweet...

since cite ni macam da nak habis je..( andaian sendiri je)..  just wanted to list things that i think is sweet enough untuk mencairkan pompuan..haha

2nd season i think.. chuck finally says the 3 words 8 eight letters to blair " i Love you"..

planning to propose to her on the tower of empire building tp Blair dtg lambat.. tapi still he proposed her..

sebenarnye bnyk lagi.. tp malas nk tulis haha..
and some gossip..
in the real world he actually dating vanessa(berlakon dlm cite ni gak) they look sweet together..

that's all..jgn lupa tgk the  last episode..hehe

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Experience to share..

this is an experience which i've gone through during my secondary school..during form 5. i wanted to share this especially untuk kaum2 hawa..
berfikir 2 kali gak untuk menulis pasal benda ni.. but since i'm studying pharmacist and nearly 21 y.o so, we have to be open minded about these things...

so, this happens during my secondary school. i haven't had my menses for nearly 2 years..and  i often had cramps at my abdomen.
and lepas 2 tahun  barulah terfikir nak bagitahu mama and pergi jumpa doktor pakar trus..(pakar wanita)

time tgh tunggu turn kat klinik tuh
mama tanya la"da berapa bulan?".. lepas tuh i jwab la " 3 bulan da kot".. lepas ada tu ada sorang makcik yg pregnant sitting next to me pandang semacam.. then i look around and realized that everyone came with a 'big belly" (pregnant)..

setelah lama berfikir...."oooooooo... mesti makcik tuh ingat aku mengandung".. malu je...haha..

anyway..  bila giliran da tiba.. masuk la dalam bilik doktor.. pastu wat ct scan.. ( betul2 mcam mengandung)..
lepas tuh doktor pun cakap" ooooooo... u ada cyst kat x jelas..."
so, the doktor ask me to drink 2 bottles of water (500ml) tuh time tuh jugak...katanye biar pundi kencing penuh..baru bleh nampak jelas..

ni la..gambar cyst pada ovarian ku. from the ct scanner..  time tuh besarnye 4.8cm.. doktor kata lebih 5cm baru kena surgery.. well, just in time je kan...haha

anyway in the mean time nak tau ubat dia?? ubatnye adalah piln perancang..penuh dengan hormone2 estrogen+++ mcm2 lagi la..
pil ini la yg menyebabkan berat badan ku naik from 45kg------> 50kg... hebat ke x penangan estrogen ni.. haha..

tapi yg penting saya suda sihat... health is more important rite??

p/s (kaum wanita je): if your menses is unusual jumpa la doktor secepat mungkin..huhu

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ada lesen tak semestinye BAGUS SANGAT DALAM memandu..!!!

Berkenaan dengan tajuk di atas ye...

nk cite skit la pengalaman saya drive di kawasan kg area2 bangi..
sy memandu kete kecik dan comel viva berwarna silver..

lesen betul tade lagi.. lesen PRIORITY je baru... tp doesn't mean that i don't know the rules n regulations on the road and how to drive a car.. lebih2 lagi sy ni kaum pompuan.. slalu ditindas oleh pemandu laki yg bajet bawak kete yang ber"ekzo"s besar bunyi ala2 kete ferari tuh hebat sgt la..

insiden pertama (17/5/2010)
 perjalan dr Maybank Bandar baru bangi balik umah..
ada la satu kete kancil ni xtau la dia sakit perut ke apa..jln selekoh double line 
nk memotong kete gua(signal x bagi)..tgk2 kat sebelah da..xpe la.. biarkan je( eksiden dia nye pasal)
pastuh nk potong kete depan lak.. signal masuk pun x bagi.. x brek main masuk ske ati mak bapak dia je.. (PANAS NI).. gua yg kat bellkg pun emergency brek gak la.. lomah jantung eden...aishhh,,,

pengajaran:  nak memotong boleh xde hal... signal masuk lu bagi r... sian org blkg x pasal2 cium kete org lak..

insiden kedua: (18/5/2010)
perjalan dari PJ ke rumah kat bangi..

kejadian ni berlaku kat area dengkil kwasn kg gak la..jln selekoh..
gua bwk steady je..kete depan belakang sume xde..
drive punye drive.. jumpa lak traktor ni... ok slow down skit... 
pastu dia bg signal ke kanan.. gua pun bg signal ke kiri nk pintas.. skali bleh plak dia tukar arah pergi berhenti kat kiri.. aishhhhhhhh... tension tol.. lpas tuh wat muka x bersalah.. dok lambai2 tangan, sengih2 ngan gigi x cukup.. 
emergency brek lagi... terberhenti kete gua kat situ sekejap.. 
nasib baik la ada mamat motor yg prasan n memarahi pakcik traktor tuh...

nasib baik x remuk je kete comel ni ha...

pengajaran: kenali kiri dan kanan anda... jgn nk gi kiri bg signal kanan.. apa daaa???

last words.. sy ni bukan la bagus sgt bab2 bawak kete ni.. ye la lesen pun P je.. tp at least i don't put others in the risk of having an accident.. setakat ni la kot..hehe

 jgn la nak pikir diri sendiri... jln tuh bukan kite sorang guna..

so "drive carefully"..

bak kata pepatah: BIAR LAMBAT ASALKAN SELAMAT...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

" have u ever been hardly in love"???

Have you ever been in love?
Horrible isn't it?
It makes you so vulnerable.
It opens your chest
and it opens up your heart
and it means that someone
can get inside you and mess you up.
You build up all these defenses,
you build up a whole suit of armor,
so that nothing can hurt you,
then one stupid person,
no different from
any other stupid person,
wanders into your stupid life...
You give them a piece of you.
They didn't ask for it.
They did something dumb one day,
like promise you or smile at you,
and then your life
isn't your own anymore.
Love takes hostages.
It gets inside you.
It eats you out and
leaves you crying in the darkness,
so simple a phrase like
'maybe we should be just friends'
turns into a glass splinter
working its way into your heart.
It hurts.
Not just in the imagination.
Not just in the mind.
It's a soul-hurt,
a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.
hate love.

The past may hurt,
but you can either run from it...or face the fact...